The Kindred & Co. blog is here for you - resources & rhythms to practice being and doing; stories from us & the community in our pursuit of living as human beings; business behind the scenes (BTS) announcements & celebrations.
Each month, we are going to share our end of the month reflections here on the blog, either as Kindred & Co or more personally from our founder. We invite you to comment, share and encourage one another in the comments below.
As the end of 2019 quickly (read: feeling a little unprepared for its end) approaches and we start looking towards 2020 there’s a temptation to dive into New Years Resolutions, goals, dreams, and planning for them. Being a business that designs planners, we’re certainly not opposed to planning and dreaming, and doing both of these […]
Tis the season for holiday decorations, hot chocolate and gift giving! We love this season and the joy of watching someone open our gift with excitement and giddiness. And here at Kindred & Co, we believe in gifting with intention so we put together a little holiday gift guide for kindred gift giving – Kindred & Co Holiday Gift Guid
This is a guest post we pulled from our founder, Valerie Pierce’s, personal blog about being grateful and all she learned through doing the gratitude challenge this month.
I quickly realized that October I kept my head down while I rushed from one thing to the next. But that’s not what I want my life or this season to be about. So to practice greater intentionality, find more joy, I’m doing a gratitude challenge (#gratefulkindredplanner). Will you join me?
Kindred & Co had our launch party this past weekend and it was a joyous celebration, truly capturing the vision and mission of the business – encouraging women to embrace life with wholehearted intention and abundant joy.
It is with great excitement, Kindred & Co is sharing with you the fall photos we took of the Annual (2020) Kindred Planner in Vermont and all the updates we’ve made!
Kindred & Co loves to celebrate. So in honor of this being the last week before the launch party, let’s share the celebration – share this post with a friend you are celebrating this month and comment below letting us know why you’re celebrating them.
At the end of every month we write a reflection blog post that correlates with the reflection questions in the Kindred Planner.
Consider this your invitation to reflect along with us, coffee (or tea) in one hand and Kindred Planner (or journal) in the other.
Your worth, who you are and who you are becoming are so important to the heart of Kindred & Co. that we put together a series of blog posts to help you practice being.
Sweet like honey are the encouraging stories you'll find here.
Read the stories from our community gathered here! Some stories of K&Co. products, yes, but more important, stories of how they are living as human beings, finding their identity first and foremost in their inherent worth.
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From the moments that have shaped Kindred & Co. to the big dreams seen fulfilled to the best roundup of YOUR kindred stories, here are our favorites posts.