The Blog

Products designed to help you be as you do.

Boston, ma


January 2022: Lessons from Quarantine in a Foreign Country

Dear kindred friend, Usually at the end of a month, I’ll write a blog post sharing my own thoughts to the current planner’s end of the month reflection question. This month, I’ll still be answering the January 2022 reflection question, but differently. This post will have an update on what happened and why our short […]



Monthly Check-In Reflection – September 2020

We do ourselves a disservice if we choose to set goals and expectations outside of the context around us. And while those contexts will always impact our lives, right now, they ever more so do and we need to create the space and flexibility to adjust with them.



Monthly Check-In Reflection – May 2020

Ironically (or not), the reflection question for May was all about rest. While I feel like I rested well this month, I think it’s telling that I’m still trying to push beyond maybe what my body thinks it’s up for and asking for even more rest. More on this below:

How have you found rest this season? What are ways you can help yourself slow down and ‘stop to smell the May flowers?’”



Monthly Check-In Reflection – April 2020

COVID-19 and quarantine came at a coincidental time in the spring cleaning world as I’ve been given (even if semi-forced) the opportunity to clean up my rhythms and schedule for better. To find more time to rest, to build more time to be (not do), to build sustainability and longevity in the work habits I have. It’s spring cleaning, but with a twist.



Monthly Check-In Reflection – March 2020

This month’s check-in question was kind of funny to read and hard to think about because while the first half of March felt relatively normal, the second half has felt totally abnormal and long. I saw a meme this morning that said ‘Welcome to the 301st Monday of March,’ and it felt very real.



“Being” in the midst of COVID-19

The lie that my identity is based on what I do and not who I am is something I have to ask myself daily. Where am I finding my worth today? Is it in my full schedule, my list, my accomplishments, my resumé, the letters behind my name, fill-in-the-blank? Or is it rooted in who I am, the “being” part of my human being? Am I choosing to identify as a human doing or a human being?



[be] kindred

I love the word “kindred” and using it in phrases like “be kindred,” “kindred friend,” and “live everyday kindred” (our tagline), even though its dictionary definition would probably disagree with the expanse of how I’m choosing to use it. The dictionary definition is pretty simple and straightforward, something along the lines of “being related to or kin to,” hence the kin-dred, implying family or relative connections of some kind.

Kindred & Co.


Building a Rhythm (COVID-19 edition)

With this being my new norm and the intrigue of solving this puzzle, I sat down with my planner, in the middle of my living room, and thought through exactly how I could make this transition smooth and fun for myself. How was I going to organize my time and schedule to allow me to get work done well, be intentional with the increased time at home, and create a rhythm that felt doable and enjoyable.

Here’s what I came up with:



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At the end of every month we write a reflection blog post that correlates with the reflection questions in the Kindred Planner. 

Consider this your invitation to reflect along with us, coffee (or tea) in one hand and Kindred Planner (or journal) in the other.



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Your worth, who you are and who you are becoming are so important to the heart of Kindred & Co. that we put together a series of blog posts to help you practice being.



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Sweet like honey are the encouraging stories you'll find here.

Read the stories from our community gathered here! Some stories of K&Co. products, yes, but more important, stories of how they are living as human beings, finding their identity first and foremost in their inherent worth.


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