The Kindred & Co. blog is here for you - resources & rhythms to practice being and doing; stories from us & the community in our pursuit of living as human beings; business behind the scenes (BTS) announcements & celebrations.
COVID-19 and quarantine came at a coincidental time in the spring cleaning world as I’ve been given (even if semi-forced) the opportunity to clean up my rhythms and schedule for better. To find more time to rest, to build more time to be (not do), to build sustainability and longevity in the work habits I have. It’s spring cleaning, but with a twist.
While all of it was true and I wouldn’t take back or change any of my words, I do want to take time now, on the six monthaversary (I made that up and spellcheck isn’t pleased) to share the joyous lessons I’ve been learning and the celebrations that have happened along the way. Not to be boastful, but to help me take pause to celebrate, be grateful, and show you all how integral you’ve been in this journey.
“Being a small business owner means you are the accountant, the marketing manager, the sales rep, the social media strategist, the content creator, the product manager, the customer service concierge, the intern, the CEO, the CFO, and the janitor.”
Quiz time: Do you know what the Kindred & Co. brand words are? Do you know why we picked those words?
Given this month is the 6 month celebration of Kindred & Co., we’re taking a deeper look at what all the words truly mean for us.
This month’s check-in question was kind of funny to read and hard to think about because while the first half of March felt relatively normal, the second half has felt totally abnormal and long. I saw a meme this morning that said ‘Welcome to the 301st Monday of March,’ and it felt very real.
“I suppose we are all on a quest for identity. Identity tells us to whom and to what we belong. Belonging, in turn, is a universal human desire. I do not actually believe that everyone wants to be famous, nor rich. We want to be famous because we want acceptance. We want money because it can shallowly buy us that.”
Spring cleaning my closet is something I enjoy doing, but often takes good effort to get into doing. Sometimes I don’t even know where to start or how to begin. And also, I want to do it well and with intention, so whatever I do prepares me better for the upcoming season and creates a rhythm that is replicable for next year. After a several closet clean fails (think sitting on the floor in a mess of clothes and pulling at my hair in frustration), this is what I’ve come up with as spring cleaning with intention:
The lie that my identity is based on what I do and not who I am is something I have to ask myself daily. Where am I finding my worth today? Is it in my full schedule, my list, my accomplishments, my resumé, the letters behind my name, fill-in-the-blank? Or is it rooted in who I am, the “being” part of my human being? Am I choosing to identify as a human doing or a human being?
At the end of every month we write a reflection blog post that correlates with the reflection questions in the Kindred Planner.
Consider this your invitation to reflect along with us, coffee (or tea) in one hand and Kindred Planner (or journal) in the other.
Your worth, who you are and who you are becoming are so important to the heart of Kindred & Co. that we put together a series of blog posts to help you practice being.
Sweet like honey are the encouraging stories you'll find here.
Read the stories from our community gathered here! Some stories of K&Co. products, yes, but more important, stories of how they are living as human beings, finding their identity first and foremost in their inherent worth.
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From the moments that have shaped Kindred & Co. to the big dreams seen fulfilled to the best roundup of YOUR kindred stories, here are our favorites posts.