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Celebrating 6 Months

April 27, 2020

Our blog exists to shower you with encouragement, exciting news, and reasons to celebrate.

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At Kindred & Co., we aspire to be celebrators. Celebration helps us take pause, be present in a moment, and practice gratitude for the victories won and accomplishments achieved. It doesn’t mean we need to have a huge party for every moment we celebrate (although we wouldn’t say no to that idea either), it just means it’s an opportunity to rejoice and be glad for something accomplished, a milestone reached, etc. It allows us to stop for a moment, amidst busy, the never-ending to-do lists, and any other chaotic mess, and be mindful and grateful for all that is good and has been done.

So in the midst of COVID-19, a long to-do list that is only getting longer, and things not going as planned (oh such is the small business life), we are celebrating. Celebrating Kindred & Co. officially being 6 months since launch! And conveniently, officially becoming a LLC this past week as well!

If you read the most recent blog post, you’ll know I shared what the behind-the-scenes of being a small business/owner has looked like these last six months. A lot of it wasn’t super pretty, which is 100% okay. I tried to avoid being negative, but I know it felt a little Debbie Downer. It wasn’t my intention, I wanted to share the honest realism of what being a small business/owner can look like.

While all of it was true and I wouldn’t take back or change any of my words, I do want to take time now, on the six monthaversary (I made that up and spellcheck isn’t pleased) to share the joyous lessons I’ve been learning and the celebrations that have happened along the way. Not to be boastful, but to help me take pause to celebrate, be grateful, and show you all how integral you’ve been in this journey.

I have had the joy to learn so much about an area that I have never ventured into learning about before. While some of it was frustrating, there was a lot of fascination and curiosity. I found myself going down lots of rabbit holes researching marketing plans and social media strategies and taking all kinds of masterclasses. I really enjoyed school and learning and getting an opportunity to continuously learn about something new and different was and has been, at its core, quite fun. I’ve loved getting to learn from fellow business women and the different obstacles they’ve overcome and the stories behind their businesses.

I’ve lost many hours playing around on InDesign, Canva, Squarespace, Instagram, ColorStory, Facebook, etc., and relearned the joy of being social on social media, actually connecting and conversing with other humans on these platforms, instead of just mindlessly scrolling (which sometimes I still do).

I have met some really amazing fellow business women, through networking opportunities, taking masterclasses, and conversing on social media. I’ve loved connecting with these women and being part of this creative network and supportive community. I have been encouraged to keep moving forward, been prayed over personally and as a business, and been inspired to expand the business beyond its face value and to have a social impact. I have learned to speak with confidence, to ask questions with humble confidence, to admit when I’m wrong and don’t have the answers, and to share my vision and passion across different audiences and platforms (like this podcast moment!).

I have learned the art, tenacity, discipline and drive that comes with committing to something you are passionate about. I have learned that sometimes you may not feel like doing something, but in doing something, the feelings might follow. I have learned to REST and take breaks. I have learned boundaries and to sacrifice when needed. I have learned to not take myself so seriously and to accept feedback (all kinds, unless harmful) as helpful to making this business and myself better. I have learned to roll with the punches and to get up when disappointment feels heavy. I have learned to dream big big dreams and run after the ideas that might seem a little crazy. Because you’ll never know what God might do and what might happen.

With every moment I have felt like giving up or that this was “just too much too soon,” I have been supported, encouraged, challenged, and motivated to take just one more step forward. Friends, family, random people I’ve met at different conferences, and each of the Kindred & Co. community, have been nothing short of supportive and I’m so grateful for getting to experience that.

These six months have been simultaneously challenging and encouraging. They have been filled with deep connection, honest and hard intentionality, beauty, wholehearted living, abundant joy, and many kindred moments and friends. Grateful for every moment, before these six even began, to now and for each of the wonderful beings that have joined me on this journey.

Cheers to these six months and all those to come!

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