The Blog

Products designed to help you be as you do.

Boston, ma


BTS of being a Small Business Owner

“Being a small business owner means you are the accountant, the marketing manager, the sales rep, the social media strategist, the content creator, the product manager, the customer service concierge, the intern, the CEO, the CFO, and the janitor.”

Kindred & Co.


[be] kindred

I love the word “kindred” and using it in phrases like “be kindred,” “kindred friend,” and “live everyday kindred” (our tagline), even though its dictionary definition would probably disagree with the expanse of how I’m choosing to use it. The dictionary definition is pretty simple and straightforward, something along the lines of “being related to or kin to,” hence the kin-dred, implying family or relative connections of some kind.

Kindred & Co.


Building a Rhythm (COVID-19 edition)

With this being my new norm and the intrigue of solving this puzzle, I sat down with my planner, in the middle of my living room, and thought through exactly how I could make this transition smooth and fun for myself. How was I going to organize my time and schedule to allow me to get work done well, be intentional with the increased time at home, and create a rhythm that felt doable and enjoyable.

Here’s what I came up with:



Welcome to the Kindred Planner Family!

Back in December, as we were preparing for the IF:Gathering in February, we realized our inventory for the Annual 2020 Kindred Planner was going to run pretty low by the time February 7th came around. We also realized that the Annual Kindred Planner would be missing the month of January for our February IF:Gathering audience. While a good portion of us might still be okay with buying a planner with a missing month, we didn’t want to only have this to offer.

So we came up with a couple other planners to bring with us to Dallas – a completely revamped Academic Kindred Planner (for the 2020-2021 year) and the brand new Simple Kindred Planner (affectionately called the Renée)!



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At the end of every month we write a reflection blog post that correlates with the reflection questions in the Kindred Planner. 

Consider this your invitation to reflect along with us, coffee (or tea) in one hand and Kindred Planner (or journal) in the other.



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Your worth, who you are and who you are becoming are so important to the heart of Kindred & Co. that we put together a series of blog posts to help you practice being.



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Sweet like honey are the encouraging stories you'll find here.

Read the stories from our community gathered here! Some stories of K&Co. products, yes, but more important, stories of how they are living as human beings, finding their identity first and foremost in their inherent worth.


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From the moments that have shaped Kindred & Co. to the big dreams seen fulfilled to the best roundup of YOUR kindred stories, here are our favorites posts.

Our Favorite Posts

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