The Kindred & Co. blog is here for you - resources & rhythms to practice being and doing; stories from us & the community in our pursuit of living as human beings; business behind the scenes (BTS) announcements & celebrations.
Dear friend, It’s the end of November and what is definitely the unofficial official month of gratitude. The trendy activity of which is to create gratitude lists. And that’s generally pretty simple to do. I mean, you just write out all the things you’re thankful for: Hot coffee Warm blankets Sunshine Etc. ^definitely the list […]
I turned 30 last month and it felt right. Which mind you, was not how I thought turning thirty would feel. All throughout my twenties, I lived and worked with an aspiration to enter my thirties with deep self confidence, a newly thriving career, a settled mental and physical balance of work-life-family-etc., a family, an […]
At the end of every month we write a reflection blog post that correlates with the reflection questions in the Kindred Planner.
Consider this your invitation to reflect along with us, coffee (or tea) in one hand and Kindred Planner (or journal) in the other.
Your worth, who you are and who you are becoming are so important to the heart of Kindred & Co. that we put together a series of blog posts to help you practice being.
Sweet like honey are the encouraging stories you'll find here.
Read the stories from our community gathered here! Some stories of K&Co. products, yes, but more important, stories of how they are living as human beings, finding their identity first and foremost in their inherent worth.
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From the moments that have shaped Kindred & Co. to the big dreams seen fulfilled to the best roundup of YOUR kindred stories, here are our favorites posts.