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Permission to ‘restart’ 2024

August 7, 2024

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As I’ve watched the 2024 Paris Olympics, I’ve wondered at the athletes’ mental strength. In particular the gymnasts for whom every move matters. I’ve wondered at the resilience it takes to mess up mid routine and to fight for the rest to be perfect (or near perfect).

I am someone who is more prone to call something quits when things get tough. So it is wildly encouraging to watch the opposite happen. Especially on an international stage where the stakes are high. I mean, only getting a chance every four years??

And as I looked at July 2024’s end of month reflection prompt, I thought how timely this realization is.

July 2024 reflection prompt

“If you picked a word at the start of your year, how has that word remained true or changed in its meaning as the year has gone?”

My personal reflection

My phrase for the year was, to move forward in the tension. Or, to not let fear paralyze moving in a direction.

Sometimes it can feel like there are almost too many options that are all “good” and decision paralysis sets in. I’m one of those people, often paralyzed by making the “wrong” decision that I won’t make any decision.

But this year, in the midst of many transitions, I’ve had to learn to move forward. Even when I don’t know if the step I take is the “right” step or how it’ll pan out five months from now.

While when I initially wrote the phrase anticipating certain transitions (i.e. work), other unknowns have emerged since January. Ones I of course did not anticipate, but nevertheless put the phrase “do not let fear paralyze me” to the test. And almost, onto a deeper more heart root level that I was not expecting.

An invitation for you

My invitation to you is to revisit your 2024 word or phrase with fresh eyes. Now that we’re halfway through 2024, I wonder if what you chose has taken shape in an unexpected way or has greater depth than you originally envisioned.

Take a few minutes today to reflect on that and allow that to almost be a reset as you enter the last half of the 2024 year.

A little guide to help

If you’re generally feeling stuck on how the rest of the year is going to pan out, check out the mid-year guide I wrote for our K&Co. community. While it is intentionally designed for those with a 2024 Kindred Planner, it has core ideas and values that anyone looking to “restart” their year could use.

For our 2024 Kindred Planner users, use the mid-year check-in guide as an opportunity to “restart” your planner. Think of it as an opportunity to “rebegin” the second half of 2024.

If you’re wondering where the heck this guide is, click here for the free download.

Sidenote re: 2025 Kindred Planner

As a fun side note, I just finished details for the 2025 Kindred Planner and it will include easy access to download the mid-year guide directly in the planner. Which I’m very excited about!

Get all the fresh details about the 2025 Kindred Planner (including bonuses, sneak peeks, etc.) by signing up for the launch letters here.

Last thoughts

No matter how you’re entering the last half of 2024, whether with joy or trepidation, know you are not alone <3

With joy & gratitude,

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