The Blog

Products designed to help you be as you do.

Boston, ma

"A story costs nothing."

- Kindra Hall, Stories that stick

Have you ever sat and listened to two people share a story about a mutual experience? Have you noticed that sometimes the details one person will share differ from the details the other one shares? 

It’s not necessarily because either person messed up on the details, but rather, they didn’t see it as relevant or significant to their story. The way they experienced the moment and how it impacted their life. 

Sounds broad and maybe a little overreaching, but it’s true. The details someone chooses to share or not to share as they tell a story says a lot about them, their personality, what is important to them, what they value in life, etc. 

Think about it for a second.

The way you talk about a product is no different. The way you share an experience with a product, the words you use to describe it, the details you choose to include or not, the length of time you’re willing to spend on it is telling. It speaks directly about the storyteller and a lot about that product. 

This is why we have chosen to not just do reviews, but to ask our K&Co. community to share their stories. We believe our products are providing you with more than just a solution, and instead a perspective shift in the way you embrace your life. Because this is far more significant of a change than a pair of good jeans might have on your life (although a good pair of jeans can be quite influential for a time), we want to spend more time hearing stories about you and the K&Co. products you pick up. 

So sit back and enjoy the stories of our community, which cost you nothing to read, but in the end will fill you with joy.

"Now, feel free to smell anything that sounds interesting to you," I'll say...

kindred & Co. friend, guest blog post, copy editor

charlene white



I love the simple [planner], because I can adjust it to my “retired lifestyle.”

Sue Pierce

Finish Sue's
Story >

This way, the act of having to discern which column to assign a task to forced me to pause and ask myself, “What kind of a priority is this REALLY? And why am I really doing it?”

Deanna Healey

Finish Deanna's Story >

"The prompts have filled me with gratitude and delight; they’ve pushed me to rejoice in the little things and to confront my insecurities and weaknesses in order to accept peace."

Amber Robinson

Finish Amber's
story >

more stories...

i want to share my story.

Your story matters.
Your kindred journey matters.